Community Immunity

Caring for our community is vital to our mission here at Sierra Roots Wellness. Community Immunity is a locally based outreach program that focuses on giving those with little or no access to fresh local food and herbal medicine, access.

Each week a team of volunteers gather to make herbal medicine and delicious food for our houseless, BIPOC and at risk communities. We count on donations to make this magic happen, and kindly ask you to consider sharing if you have something to share. You may also volunteer your time if that is something you are interested in.

If you have monetary donations to share, it will allow us to continue to supply herbal medicine to the community. This helps with things like buying bottles for the syrups and hand sanitizers we give out weekly, or to help purchase herbs or other ingredients for the medicine.

We are always accepting the following:

  • adult clothing (socks, shoes, and underwear are most needed)

  • bottled water

  • blankets

  • tents/tarps, pop-up canopies

  • menses products

  • wipes

  • dried herbs for medicine making

  • Apple cider vinegar

  • honey

  • isopropyl alcohol for hand sanitizer

  • labels for medicine bottles


    Make a donation today.

    Your donation allows our awesome team of volunteers to continue to reach the populations in need. To donate items please fill out the submission form below.

    To donate a monetary donation you can paypal me Please add “Community Immunity " in the subject line.

    We are grateful for you.